Selasa, 25 November 2008

Pesawat Tempur

Pesawat tempur adalah pesawat militer yang dirancang untuk menyerang pesawat lain di udara. Berbeda dengan pesawat pengebom, yang dirancang untuk menyerang target di permukaan. Pesawat tempur relatif lebih kecil, cepat, dan lincah. Pesawat tempur awalnya dikembangkan pada Perang Dunia I, untuk menghadapi pesawat pengebom dan balon udara yang mulai lazim digunakan untuk melakukan serangan darat dan pengintaian. Pesawat tempur pertama awalnya berupa pesawat sayap ganda kayu yang diberi senapan mesin ringan. Pada Perang Dunia II, pesawat tempur lebih banyak dibuat dari logam, bersayap tunggal, dan menggunakan senapan mesin yang tertanam pada sayap. Setelah Perang Dunia II, mesin turbojet mulai menggantikan mesin piston, dan peluru kendali mulai digunakan untuk menggantikan senapan mesin sebagai senjata utama.

Klasifikasi pesawat tempur dibuat berdasarkan generasi. Penggunaan generasi ini awalnya digunakan petinggi pertahanan di Rusia, yang menyebut F-22 Raptor Amerika Serikat sebagai pesawat tempur "generasi kelima".

Sabtu, 22 November 2008

Sexual Dimorphsim Dinosaur

It is very difficult to determine which fossils were male and which were female. Some paleontologists have theorized that the males of some species may have had larger crests, frills, or other showy structures that were used in courtship displays, mating rituals, and/or intraspecies rivalry (contests among members of the same species, like territorial disputes and mating competition), very much like many modern-day animals. The development of these structures occurs with sexual maturity, so example of juvenile fossils would have little or none of these structures.

Hadrosaurs Originally, fossils very similar to Parasaurolophus but with smaller crests were thought to belong to a separate species of Parasaurolophus. A similar situation existed for Lambeosaurus and many other crested dinosaurs (the lambeosaurine duck-bills) and dome-headed dinosaurs (Pachycephalosaurs). In 1975, the Canadian paleontologist Peter Dodson showed that many of the supposedly separate species of frilled/crested dinosaurs were the females and juveniles of the species. The anatomist James A. Hopson also interpreted the crest and dome sizes as differing in males and females within a species.

Ceratopsians - Many paleontologists believe that the ceratopsians (like Triceratops and Protoceratops) used their horns and frills in territorial disputes, in mating competitions and for attracting females.

Pachycephalosaurs, the dome-headed hadrosaurid dinosaurs, also exhibit sexual dimorphism. The anatomist James A. Hopson realized that crest and dome size differs in the male and female of the species.

Rabu, 19 November 2008


Hallo. Gw Sasha dari blog sebelah. Ni blog adalah blog dari temen gw namanya Rinal--dia minta dibikinin blog, biasalah. Well, gw gak bisa lama-lama nulis disini, yang jelas keep stay tune this blog, oke? Jangan lupa kunjungin blog gw di Jaa ne!